Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Upcoming Screening...

I just found out I am taking part in Toronto's 9th Annual SOUNDplay Festival, on the 20th of  November. I will be part of the "Homescapes performance + screening (the screening part)" with my video City of the Future (see previous post of older Video work for a jpeg and description). Check it out if you can make it (it is in Toronto).

Here is the info and a link to the SOUNDplay Festival:

Homescapes performance + screening
with Finger, Video Pool

November 20, 2010 (8 PM) $15/$10
Theatre Direct's Christie Studio, Artscape Wychwood Barns, 601 Christie #170, Toronto

The themes of Home, habitat, and the future are explored this evening in two presentations. The first is a video screening curated by Hope Peterson of Video Pool consisting of experimental video and audio works made in Winnipeg over the past several years. The second part is a performance of a new work by the Toronto interdisciplinary ensemble Finger who will be joined in their performance of Habit@ by artist Cameron Davis.

Nov 20th Programme: