Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ian Curtis Wishlist

This video was originally put together in 2008, destroyed in a apartment fire later that year, and now resurrected and rebuilt in 2012. The first cut of this video was very different to this the newest incarnation, with a lot more of Ian Curtis on stage and even him singing a few notes. I really liked the idea of a concert video stripped of the actual concert (band playing songs), and being a longstanding Joy Division fan was drawn to the one concert VHS I owned (Here are the young men). 

Please feel free to check it out at your leisure. Link to the video and description from my vimeo page below.

James Fritzgerald Craig's Farewell Video To Ian Kevin Curtis
Video, 15:06, Colour

As the title states, this work is meant to be a tongue in cheek and meaningful look at the late Ian Curtis through a dissection of the medium of concert videos.

Utilizing concert footage from late 1979 and early 1980, endings and beginnings of songs Ian Curtis’s band Joy Division are preforming merge into this 15-minute inversed concert video. As the music swells and the n abruptly shutters to a close, Ian and company filter in and out of the inky blackness of the stage never being allowed to break in to a full song or escape the crowds screams for more. 

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